Better than a thounsand
useless words
Is one beneficial single word,
Hearing which one is pacified.
Better than a thounsand
Comprising useless words,
Is one beneficial single line,
Hearing which one is pacified.
Should one recite a hundred
Comprising useless words,
Better is one single word of the Dhamma,
Hearing which one is pacified.
Though one should conquer
in battle
A thounsand times a thounsand men,
Yet should one conquer just oneself
One is indeed the greatest victor.
Better indeed is it to
conquer oneself,
Neither a god nor a Gandharva
Neither Mara nor Brahma
Could turn into defeat the victory of one
Who is self-madtered and self-controlled.
Though, month after month
with a thousand,
One should sacrifice for a hundred years,
Yet,if, only for a moment,
One should honour the self-restrained,
That honour, indeed, is better
Than a century of sacrifice.
Though one , for a century,
Should tend the fire in the forest,
Yet, if ,only for a moment,
He should honour the self-restrained,
Thai honour,indeed,is better
Than a century of sacrifice.
Whatever oblationnns and
One might offer for a year,
Seeking merit thereby,
All that is not worth a single quarter
Of homage towards the upright
Which is far more excellent.
For one who is in the
habit of
Ever honouring and respecting the elders,
Four qualities increase;
Loong life,Fame, happiness and strength.
Though one should live
a hundred years,
Without conduct and concentration,
Yet,better is a single day's life
Of one who is moral and meditative.
Though one shold live
an hundred years,
Without wisdom and concentration,
Yet, better is a single day's life
Of one who is wise and meditative.
Though one should live
a hundred years,
Sluggish and inactive
Yet,better is a single day's life
Of one who intensely exerts himself.
Better is a single day;s
life of one
Who discerns the rise and fall of things
Than a hundred years'life of one
Who is not comprehending.
Better is a single day's
life of one
Who sees the Deathless
Than a hundred years's life of one
Who sees not that state.
Better is a single day's
life of one
Who understands the truth sublime
Than a hundred years's life of one
Who knows not that truth, so high.