The Buddha invited all to come and investigate his
teachings. For the Buddha not only found a way to
the end of suffering, but he actually taught a way
which we can choose to follow. He observed how all
human beings sought happiness and How nearly all
failed to find lasting contentment. So, out of Compassion,
the Buddha taught the Four Noble Truths-of The way
things are how we can develop the mind toward Nibbana,
The highest happiness, the most perfect peace.To
do this, we need to obtain instructions through
Teachers and books, then apply the teaching to our
lives... »
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Meditational Exercises
By Ven. Mahasi Sayadaw |
practice of Vipassana or Insight Meditation is the
effort made by the meditation to understand correctly
the nature of the psycho-physical phenomena taking
place in his own body. Physical phenomena are the
things or objects which one clearly perceives around
one. The whole of one's body that one clearly perceives
constitutes a group of material qualities [rupa].
Psychical or mental phenomena are acts of consciousness
or awareness [nama]. These [nama-rupas] are clearly
perceived to be happening whenever they are seen,
heard smelt, tasted, touched, or thought of. We
must make ourselves aware of them by observing,
hearing, hearing, "smelling, smelling, tasting,
tasting" touching, touching, 'or thinking,
thinking'.... »
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