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News in pictures
The Dhamma Times, 3 January 2005

AFP/Roslan Rahman
Five-year-old Thai-Japanese boy, Taichi Kurisaki volunteers himself as a translator for Japanese tourists who need assistance for direction at the Phuket Provincial City Hall. Kurisaki is here with his father to help in communication with the Japanese involved in the tidal waves disaster.

Over 2,000 robed Buddhist monks, nuns and believers chant a special prayer, or sutra, for the victims of the South and Southeast Asia tsunami and earthquake disasters, at a school in Hong Kong.

Ling Jiu Shan/Dhamma Times
Ling Jiu Shan Buddhist Association in Taiwan headed by Venerable Hsin Tao has called for a press conference united the various religious leaders to call for funds and prayers for the tidal waves victims.

BLIA/Dhamma Times
Buddha's Light Association's members helping and caring for affected people in tidal waves.

A Taiwanese man casts money into a box for the relief of Asia tsunami victims at Taipei, while a volunteer from the Tzu Chi Buddhist group smiled and appreciated his donation. Tzu Chi has launched a programme to mobilize at least 500,000 followers here and elsewhere in the world to raise money in a campaign called "Let Love Flow into South Asia; Let Sympathy Sooth Painful Suffering".

AP/Gautam Singh
A Tibetan Buddhist monk sits alongside Christian nuns during an inter religious prayer service to express sympathy for tsunami victims in Bangalore, India.

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