สกทาคามิผล |
the Fruit of Once-Returning. |
สกทาคามิมรรค |
the Path of Once-Returning. |
สกทาคามี, พระ |
a Once-Returner; one who has attained the second stage of the Path and will be reborn on the earth only once before attaining the final emancipation. |
สกวาที |
the affirmative; proposer. |
สงกรานต์ |
the Songkran Festival; water-throwing festival ;the old Thai New Year. |
สงเคราะห์ |
1. to treat kindly; give help; favour; aid. 2. to compile; collect; comprise; include; group. |
สงฆ์ |
community; assemblage; a chapter of (not less than four) Buddhist monks; the Sangha; the Order; the Buddhist clergy; the Buddhist church; Holy Brotherhood. |
สงสาร |
lit. faring on; the Round of Rebirth; the Round of Existence; the Wheel of Rebirth; the Wheel of Life; the Life Process; Rebirth process; the Process of Birth and Death. |
สติ |
mindfulness; attentiveness; detached watching; awareness. |
สติปัฏฐาน |
(the four) Foundations of Mindfulness; setting up of mindfulness. |
สติวินัย |
verdict of innocence; procedure for the acquittal of an Arahant who has fully-developed mindfulness. |
สถูป |
a relic mound; reliquary mound; tope; cairn; monument erected over the ashes of a holy person; stupa. |
สทารสันโดษ |
contentment with one’s own wife. |
สนทนาธรรม |
ดู ธรรมสากัจฉา. |
สบง |
inner garment; the undergarment of a Buddhist monk, nun or novice; the under robe. |
สพรหมจารี |
a fellow monk; fellow in the holy life; co-celibate. |
สภาวะ |
nature; condition; state; reality. |
สภาวธรรม |
principle of nature; natural condition; natural phenomenon. |
สมชีวิตา |
balanced livelihood; regular life ;living economically; living within one’s means. |
สมณะ |
a recluse; a Buddhist monk. |
สมณธรรม |
duties of a monk; monastic observances. |
สมณศักดิ์ |
eccl. Honorific rank; title. |
สมณปัญญา |
awareness of one’s monkhood; consciousness of proper behaviour of a monk; a monk’s sense of duty. |
สมณสารูป |
a monk’s proper behaviour; the mien and deportment appropriate to a monk. |
สมณุเทศ |
a novice. |
สมเด็จ |
Somdech; any of the highest dignitaries in the hierarchy of the Thai Sangha, second only to the Supreme Patriarch. |
สมถะ |
calm, tranquillity, quietude of heart. |
สมถกัมมัฏฐาน, ~กรรมฐาน |
ดู สมถภาวนา. |
สมถภาวนา |
concentration development; the method and practice of concentrating the mind; tranquillity development. |
สมบัติ |
success; attainment; achievement; accomplishment; fulfillment; happiness; bliss; fortune; wealth; prosperity; perfection; soundness; validity. |
สมภาร |
ดู เจ้าอาวาส. |
สมโภช |
ดู ฉลอง. |
สมมติ |
convention; agreement; authorization; appointment. |
สมมติสัจจะ |
conventional truth. |
สมาทาน |
undertaking; observance; acceptance. v. to undertake; take upon oneself. |
สมาธิ |
concentration; one-pointedness of mind; mental discipline. |
สมานัตตา |
impartiality; sociability; state of equality; even and equal treatment; equality and participation. |
สมาบัติ |
attainment; meditative attainments. |
สมุจเฉทวิมุตติ |
deliverance by destruction. |
สมุฏฐาน |
origination; cause. |
สมุทัย |
the Cause of Suffering; the Origin of Suffering. |
สยัมภู, สยมภู |
the Self-Existence; an epithet of the Buddha. |
สรงน้ำ |
v. to bathe (of a monk or novice). |
สรณะ |
refuge; help; protection; guide; remembrance. |
สรณคมน์, สรณาคมน์ |
taking refuge (in the Triple Gem); going for refuge. |
สรภัญญะ |
intoning; a particular mode of recitation (allowable to monks). |
สรรเสริญ, ความ |
praise; commendation. |
สรีระ |
the (physical) body. |
สลากภัต |
food to be distributed by tickets; ticket-food. |
สวดปาฏิโมกข์, การ |
recitation of the fundamental Precepts of the Buddhist monks. v. to recite or chant the Fundamental Precepts. ดู ปาฏิโมกข์. |
สวดพระอภิธรรม |
funeral chanting (of Abhidhamma excerpts); requiem chanting. |
สวดมนต์, การ [ทั่วๆไป] |
prayer; v. to pray; chant; say a prayer. |
สวดมนต์, การ [ในพระพุทธศาสนา] |
recitation; chanting (esp. of protective verses); rehearsal. v. to recite (the Buddha’s teachings); chant; chant the holy stanzas. |
สวรรค์ |
a place of happiness; heaven; heavenly abode. |
สหธรรมิก |
co-religionists; fellow Dhamma-farer. |
สฬายตนะ |
the six senses; sense-bases; sense-organs; sense-spheres. |
สอุปาทิเสสนิพพาน |
Nibbana realized with the body remaining; Nibbana with the substratum of life remaining. |
สักกายทิฏฐิ |
self-illusion; the delusion of self; belief in a personal self; theory of soul; egoistic view. |
สักการะ |
honor; worship; hospitality. |
สัคคะ |
ดู สวรรค์. |
สังขตธรรม |
things conditions by causes; things produced by combination of causes; conditioned or compounded things. |
สังขาร |
1. compounded things; component things; conditioned things; the world of phenomena; all things which have been made up by pre-existing causes; (as in “Sabbe Sankhara anicca-ti). 2. volitional activities; formations; Karma formations; mental formations; mental predispositions; volitional impulses; impulses and emotions; volition; all the mental factors except feeling and perception having volition as the constant factor, (as in the Five Aggregates and in the Law of Causation). 3. essential conditions; the sum of the conditions or essential properties for a given process or result; constructing or formative factors, (as in Ayusankhara, Kayasankhara). 4. conductive factors; instigation (as in Sasankharika, Asankharika). |
สังคณี |
ดู ธัมมสังคณี. |
สังคหวัตถุ |
objects of sympathy; objects of favour; principles of kindly treatment; principles of service and social integration. |
สังคายนา, สังคีติ |
rehearsal; a Council; general convocation of the Sangha in order to settle questions of doctrine and to fix the text of the Scriptures. |
สังฆกรรม |
an act or ceremony performed by a chapter of Buddhist monks assembled in solemn conclave; a formal act. |
สังฆคุณ |
(the nine) virtues of the Sangha. |
สังฆทาน |
offering to the Order; gift to the Order of monks; offering dedicated to the Sangha; gift dedicated to the Community as a whole. |
สังฆนายก |
Eccl. Prime Minister. |
สังฆเภท |
schism; causing dissension among the Order; the creation of a schism in the Order. |
สังฆมณฑล |
the Order; the Monastic Order; the Sangha; the monkhood. |
สังฆมนตรี |
Eccl. Minister. ดู คณะ~, องค์การ~. |
สังฆราช, สมเด็จพระ |
(His Holiness) the Supreme Patriarch. |
สังฆสภา |
Eccl. Assembly. |
สังฆาฏิ |
the outer robe of a Buddhist monk. |
สังฆาทิเสส |
an offence entailing initial and subsequent meeting of the Sangha; Formal Meeting. |
สังฆาธิการ |
an ecclesiastical official; eccl. administrative officer. |
สังฆานุสติ |
recollection of the Order; reflection on the virtue of the Sangha. |
สังฆาวาส |
the monastic precincts; living quarters of the monks. |
สังยุตตนิกาย |
Collection of Connected Discourses; Book of the Kindred Sayings; name of the third main division of the Sutta Pitaka. |
สังโยชน์ |
(the ten) Fetters (that bind man to the round of rebirth). |
สังวร |
restraint. |
สังวรปธาน |
the effort to prevent the arising of unrisen evils; the effort to avoid unwholesome states. |
สังวาส |
communion. |
สังเวคะ |
sense of urgency. |
สังเวชนียสถาน |
a place apt to rouse the sense of urgency; (the Four) Holy Places of Buddhism. |
สังสารวัฎ |
ดู สงสาร. |
สังเสทชะ |
moisture-born creatures. |
สัจจะ |
truth; truthfulness. |
สัจจธรรม |
the truth; Truth. |
สัจฉิกาตัพพธรรม |
that which is to be realized, i.e. the Cessation of Suffering or Nibbana. |
สัญญมะ |
restraint; self-control; abstinence. |
สัญญา |
perception; idea; ideation. |
สัญญาบัตร |
commission; royal certificate of appointment. เทียบ ตราตั้ง. |
สัญโญชน์ |
ดู สังโยชน์. |
สัตตาวาส |
(the nine) spheres inhabited by beings; abodes of beings. |
สัตตาหกรณียะ |
business to be done within seven days; grounds or occasions on which monks are permitted to leave the rains-residence for the limited time of seven days. |
สัตบุรุษ |
a good, worthy man; righteous man; gentleman. |
สัตว์ |
a being; living being; creature; person. |
สัททารมณ์ |
audible object; sound. |
สัทธรรม |
the true Dhamma; true doctrine; doctrine of the good; good law; good principle. |
สัทธรรมปฏิรูปก์ |
false doctrine; pseudo-Dhamma. |
สัทธา |
faith; confidence. |
สัทธาจริต |
the devout; the faithful-natured; one of faithful temperament. |
สัทธาสัมปทา |
achievement of faith. |
สัทธิวิหาริก |
a co-resident; pupil. |
สันดาน |
ดู สันตานะ. |
สันโดษ |
contentment; satisfaction with whatever is one’s own. |
สันตติ |
continuity (esp. of consciousness); a series of moments. |
สันตานะ |
1. Continuity of subliminal consciousness; the evermoving, flowing panorama of successive mental states. 2. Intrinsic or inherent qualities of character; inborn trait; innate character. |
สันติ |
peace; tranquillity; calmness. |
สันตุฏฐี |
ดู สันโดษ. |
สัปปายะ |
1. adj. beneficial; wholesome; suitable; favorable. 2. favorable condition. |
สัปปิ |
ดู เนยใส. |
สัปปุริส |
ดู สัตบุรุษ. |
สัปปุริสธรรม |
virtue of the righteous; (the seven) qualities of a good man. |
สัพพัญญุตญาณ |
omniscience |
สัพพัญญู |
the Omniscient One; an epithet of the Buddha. |
สัมปชัญญะ |
clear comprehension; discrimination; circumspection; clear consciousness; awareness. |
สัมปทา |
achievement; fulfillment; accomplishment; attainment; success; happiness. |
สัมปรายภพ |
a future existence; next life; future life. |
สัมปรายิกัตถะ |
gain for the hereafter; future benefit; spiritual welfare; sources of happiness in the future life. |
สัมผัปปลาปะ |
frivolous talk; vain talk. |
สัมผัส |
ดู ผัสสะ. |
สัมพุทธะ |
one who has been well enlightened or has thoroughly understood; a Buddha; the Buddha. |
สัมภเวสี |
lit. seeking birth or existence. 1. a living being at the first stage of life or during birth-process; a being yet to be born. 2. a being subject to rebirth; worldling. 3. (T.) a spirit seeking (or awaiting) rebirth. เทียบ ภูต. |
สัมมัปปธาน |
(the Four) Great Efforts; Supreme Efforts; Right Efforts. |
สัมมากัมมันตะ |
Right Action; Right Conduct; Right Behaviour. |
สัมมาทิฏฐิ |
Right View; Right Understanding. |
สัมมาวาจา |
Right Speech. |
สัมมาวายามะ |
Right Effort; Right Endeavor; Right Exertion. |
สัมมาสังกัปปะ |
Right Thought; Right Intention; Right Mental Attitude; Right Motives; Right Aspiration. |
สัมมาสติ |
Right Mindfulness; Right Attentiveness. |
สัมมาสมาธิ |
Right Concentration. |
สัมมาสัมพุทธะ |
the Fully (or Perfectly) Enlightened One. |
สัมมาอาชีวะ |
Right Livelihood; Right Living; Right Means of Livelihood; Right Pursuits. |
สัมมุขาวินัย |
verdict in the presence of (a Sangha, the persons and the matter concerned, and the Doctrine and Discipline). |
สัสสตทิฏฐิ |
eternalism; the doctrine of the continuance of the soul after death; the doctrine that soul and world are eternal. |
สากัจฉา |
conversation; discussion. |
สาชีพ |
the code of discipline; all the disciplinary rules abiding on the life of the monk. |
สาเฐยยะ, สาไถย |
craft; treachery. สาเถยยะ ก็ใช้. |
สาธยาย |
ดู สวดมนต์ (ในพระพุทธศาสนา). |
สามเณร |
a novice; one who is ordained by talking the Three Refuges and observes the Ten Precepts. |
สามเณรี |
a female novice; female apprentice of a nun. |
สามัคคี |
concord; unity; harmony; unanimity; union. |
สามัญลักษณะ |
the Common Characteristics (of component things). viz., impermanence, state of conflict and not-self. |
สามีจิกรรม |
proper act of respect; opportune gestures of respect. |
สายสิญจน์ |
sacred thread; sacred cord. |
สารัมภะ |
contention; vying; presumption. |
สาราณียธรรม |
states of conciliation; virtues for fraternal living. |
สารีริกธาตุ |
ดู ธาตุ. |
สาวก |
a disciple; hearer; follower. |
สำนักสงฆ์ |
monastic residence; monks’ lodging. |
สำรวม |
1. to be composed; self-controlled; restrained; decorous; sedate. 2. commingled; mixed (food). |
สิกขมานา |
a female novice undergoing a probationary course of two years (before receiving the higher ordination). |
สิกขา |
study; training; discipline. |
สิกขาบท |
a disciplinary rule; rule of morality; precept; training rule. |
สีมา |
a boundary; limit; precinct; consecrated area (established by sanctioned boundaries). |
สีล |
morality; moral practice; moral conduct; code of morality; Buddhist ethics; a precept; rule of morality. |
สีลมัย |
(merit) to be gained through, or connected with, morality. |
สีลวิสุทธิ |
purity of morality; purification of morality. |
สีลสัมปทา |
achievement of virtue; fulfillment of moral conduct. |
สีลสามัญญตา |
equality in moral conduct; unity in moral or disciplinary practices. |
สีลสิกขา |
ดู อธิศีลสิกขา. |
สีลัพพตปรามาส |
adherence to mere rule and ritual; indulgence in wrongful rites and ceremonies; belief in the efficacy of rites and ceremonies. |
สัลัพพตุปาทาน |
clinging to mere rule and ritual; adherence to rites and ceremonies; attachment to the belief in the efficacy of religious ceremonies and rituals. |
สีลานุสติ |
recollection of morality; reflection on the advantages of morality or on one’s own morals. |
สีหไสยา |
lying like a lion; lying on the right side. |
สึก |
v. to leave the Order; leave monkhood; disrobe. |
สุกขวิปัสสก |
a dry-visioned Arahant; bare-insight worker. |
สุข |
1. happiness; ease; joy; comfort; pleasure. 2. physical or bodily happiness or ease. |
สุคต |
the Happy one; the Well Farer; the Buddha. |
สุคติ |
(the two or twenty-seven) Happy States; blissful states of existence; good bourn. |
สุจริต |
right conduct; good conduct; uprightness. |
สุตะ |
that which is heard or learnt; hearing; learning. |
สุตตนิบาต |
“Collected Discourses”; “Woven Cadences of Early Buddhists”; name of the fifth division of the Khuddaka Nikaya. |
สุตตันตปิฎก |
“The Basket of Discourses”; “The Basket of Sermons”; the second main division of the Pali Canon containing discourses. |
สุตมยปัญญา |
understanding acquired by learning; wisdom resulting from study. |
สุททะ |
ดู ศูทร. |
สุทธาวาส |
(the Five) Pure Abodes (in the Form-Sphere) where the Non-Returners are reborn. |
สุภาษิต |
pleasant speech; well-spoken words; a proverb. |
สุราเมรยมัชชปมาทัฏฐาน |
(talking) intoxicants tending to cloud the mind; intoxicants causing carelessness. |
สุริยคติ |
the system of a solar calendar. |
สูตร |
a discourse; dialogue; aphorism. |
สูตร, พระ |
the discourses; the original sermons and dialogues of the Buddha. ดู สุตตันตปิฎก. |
เสขะ, พระ |
the learner, i.e. one who has reached one of the stages of holiness, except the last, and has yet to undergo a higher training. |
เสขิยวัตร |
(the seventy-five) rules for training; rules of good breeding; the code of etiquette. |
เสนาสนะ |
sleeping and sitting; bed and seat; dwelling; lodging. |
โสกะ |
ดู โศก. |
โสดาบัน |
a Stream-Enterer; Stream-Winner; one who has attained the first stage of holiness. |
โสดาปัตติผล |
the Fruition of Stream-entry; Fruit of Stream-Entrance. |
โสดาปัตติมรรค |
the Path of Stream-entrance; Path of Stream-attainment. |
โสตทวาร |
the ear-door; ear-avenue. |
โสตวิญญาณ |
ear-consciousness. |
โสมนัส |
a pleasurable mental feeling; mental pleasure; glad-mindedness; joy; delight. |
โสรัจจะ |
gentleness; meekness; suavity; gentility; refinement; mannerliness; graciousness. |
โสวจัสสตา |
“state of being easy to speak with”; amenability to correction; obedience; admonish ability. |
โสฬัส |
sixteen. |
ไสยา |
bed; bedding; sleep; rest; lying down; reclining. |